Southeast Nebraska Cancer Memorial Garden
A place of remembrance, peace, and hope.

Humboldt Garden Club
Humboldt Garden Club
The Humboldt Garden Club is a group of volunteers who have years of experience and consist of Horticulturists, Landscapers, Greenhouse Owners and Construction Workers.
The Garden is maintained by these volunteers.
Our Garden consists of many natural hardy healthy native flowers, grasses, trees and shrubs. These are good for our pollinating bees, insects, birds and animals that thrive in our garden.

We have had so much help from our youth. We are hoping to build pride in our garden through our youth. As well as teaching them the value of nature and to instill the love of nature to our future gardeners.
Many of our local businesses and farmers have dedicated many hours of labor, equipment, and materials to our Garden. We thank them for their support.

Businesses Making Significate Contributions
Each and every year we have businesses that donate the time and labor to the Memorial Garden. Our garden would not be as beautiful if it were not for these businesses and their gracious hearts.
A place of tranquility and beauty offering comfort, peace, and hope to all who visit.​
A place of tranquility and beauty offering comfort, peace, and hope to all who visit.​